Photo edited by a friend

A Tail of Legacy

4 min readMay 30, 2021


“Good job Bagwis! but for now, you stay here, build up your strength and..” He leaned down to whisper while keeping an eye out on my mom. “most importantly, protect your mom. She may be bigger but she needs us men to keep her safe!”

A twig went flying and hit my dad. “I heard you, idiot. Now get our son to bed, its late already.” I laughed at my parent’s common jab at each other. I hopped around and snuggled more comfortably around my nest while dad gets ready to tell more tales of our ancestor’s legacy. Which is pretty cool if you ask me!


We woke up startled at the noise. What was that? More loud noises came in and this time human voices. My parents gasped in horror when they saw trees falling down near them, the impact shaking our nest. “They’re here!”. I didn’t know what was happening and tried asking my parents what was going on but my voice got drowned by the machines and trees crashing around us. Birds of different kinds flew away to safety until they heard loud gunshots. A sound that brought my parents to action. Mom quickly snatched me with her talon and we all flew away from our nest, away from our home.

I closed my eyes frightened but soon started screaming in terror as I could feel both of us falling down the ground. I braced myself for the impact but none came as Mom held me closer to her body to keep me safe. I cried when I saw the blood running from my mother’s body and dad not too far from us. Both of my parents were shot. I was all alone but I knew I had to hide as I could hear human voices coming closer. Grief can come later.

“Quick boy, over here!”, shouted a dove. I turned around and saw a dove waving at me to hide under a tree trunk. I gave one last look at my parents before quickly fleeing to hide. “Stay quiet now kid. You’re safe for now.” I wanted to ask from what but couldn’t speak in sadness and shock. “These humans are the bad kind kid. They destroy our home and kill our kind just for money. There are not so many of you now. I know this cause I have seen this going on for far too long in many areas. You must keep yourself alive. Do not let your legacy be lost. You have much story to tell to the world.” I listened with my heart heavy full of sorrow not just for my parents but also for my kind. It was a whole lot of weight for a little one to carry, but I knew one must carry on to show these humans that they belong in this earth to be free. That they belong in this forest to live.

That was 5 years ago. Now, I am flying around with my majestic wings just like my dad. I live in a forest surrounded by good people who has dedicated themselves to save my home, the forest and our kind. I have found my mate and can’t wait to tell the little one the stories father have told me, passed down from generations of ancestors.

My name is Bagwis, or soft wing or warrior angel from a comic. This is my story of survival. This is my story of strength and power. This is my story of all Philippine Eagles.

Photo edited by a friend

Eagles are known as “King of Birds”. They are at the top of the food chain. With their remarkable eyesight being able to spot prey from up to 2 km, muscular legs, powerful talons and large hooked beaks which allows them to rip off the flesh from their prey and wingspans from 6 to 7.5 feet (182cm-229cm). It is no wonder these birds are a sight to see.

Philippine eagle, which is also the national bird of the Philippines, is an endangered species with only an estimation of 400 of them around the world. The alarming decline of numbers is due to the deforestation and illegal poaching for this species.

This majestic creature is considered as one of the top 3 largest and strongest eagle around the world. Features that make them unique and stand out among the rest of the eagles are,
🌲They are the only eagle that have bright blue-gray eyes.
🌲They have a lifespan of 30–60 years of age.
🌲Their shaggy crest also resembles a lion’s mane and underscores the symbolic, cultural relevance of the eagle to the Philippines.

Philippines is sadly in 10 Countries With the highest deforestation rates in the world. If this continues on each year, sadly we may not be able to save our National Bird, but as well as other critically endangered animals in the Philippines that are losing their home, food and protection in the forest. Saving this rare raptors is not only a symbol of hope for the forest, it is also a hope for the human race as trees give oxygen, and provide us food as well.

Let’s do our best to keep Philippine Eagles safe and alive. Let us keep them as our Philippine Pride and not the Museum Pride.





Hi! Welcome to my page. I usually write short stories or whatever that pops into my head that is fun to write about! :) Thanks for checking in! ❤